How do I change my password?

Changing your SBOBET password frequently enhances the security of your SBOBET account. You are advised to change your SBOBET password every 90 days. To change your password, please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to your SBOBET account and click on the Account link located at the top of the page. Navigate to the Password page to change your password.
  2. Enter your existing password and the new password you wish to change to. Confirm your new password by entering it once again.
  3. Click the Change Password button to save your new password.
  4. A confirmation message with your password expiry details is displayed once you have successfully changed your password.

SBOBET Password Policy

  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password must include a combination of alphabetic characters (uppercase or lowercase letters) and numbers.
  • Your password must not contain your login name, first and last name.
  • Your password must not contain any blank space.