Treasure Hunter Betting Rules
The objective of the game is to win the pot amount and to find the treasure. There are 15 pre-rounds and is divided by three levels. On the last pre-round, the treasure awaits the player.
Over a long period of time, the game is likely to average a return to the player of 94.82% of the total bets made.
Note: Malfunctions of any sort (software or hardware) voids the play.
How to Play
Figure 1: Treasure Hunter game
To start playing, the player can choose on how much stake he/she will bet. Clicking the + sign will increase the player’s bet and clicking the – sign will decrease the player’s bet. The stake selection and the balance information is located on the right side of the user interface. The total bet along with the total win is located on the left side of the user interface.
After choosing the stake, the player must click ‘Play’ to process his stake.
Figure 2: Treasure Hunter game upon opening the game
Figure 3: Treasure Hunter game upon clicking the Play button
After clicking Play, the game will then commence. The player must choose a door he believes will lead him to the treasure. The game is composed of three levels, with 15 pre-rounds.
Figure 4: Treasure Hunter game choosing the right door on the first pre-round Level 1
Figure 5: Treasure Hunter game where the last player is on the last door of Level 1, and this door leads to Level 2
Level 1 has three pre-rounds, with different multiplier that gets bigger and bigger till the player gets on the Level 2. The player can also collect his collected pot amount whenever he guesses the door that will lead to the treasure correctly. Level 1 has three doors in each pre-round.
Figure 6: Treasure Hunter Game where the player is on the first 3 doors of Level 2.
Figure 7: Treasure Hunter game where the player is on the last door of Level 2, and this door leads to Level 3
Level 2 has five pre-rounds, with different multipliers that gets bigger and better till the player reaches Level 3. Level 2 has varied array of doors with 3, 4 and 5 doors inside the level.
Figure 8: Treasure Hunter game where the player is on the first 3 doors of Level 3
Figure 9: Treasure Hunter game where the player is on the 6 doors selection of Level 3
Figure 10: Treasure Hunter game where the player reaches the last door that leads to the treasure
Level 3 has 7 pre-rounds, with bigger and better multiplier increasing each pre-round. Level 3 has different doors selection, with 3, 4, 5, and 6 doors inside the level. The treasure awaits the player when he reaches on the last pre-round, with a multiplier of 120.
Figure 11: Treasure Hunter game with the “You’re Trapped” flier
When the player has incorrectly guessed the door, and opened the trap door, he loses his bet. A flier will then be shown signaling the player has been trapped.
Figure 12: Treasure Hunter game winning flier
When the player collects his collected pot amount, the game will reveal a winning flier. It will be shown to reveal the total winnings of the player.
Figure 13: Treasure Hunter game “Big Win” flier
When the player reaches the last pre-round and gets the treasure, the game ends with a big win winning flier with the amount of the total winnings of the player.
System auto settlement
In the case where a player encounters network connection issue or any other issue that halt the gameplay after "PLAY" button has been clicked, system will wait for 24 hours for player to resume the game otherwise the system will automatically conclude the game.
Stake Betting
Treasure Hunter uses this betting system.
Figure 14: Treasure Hunter stake betting
Treasure Hunter’s available stakes are as follows:
1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1,000.
The chosen stake will be the stake amount that the player place on the corresponding round. Unless the player chooses to change the stake value, the amount of the total bet will consider the current stake that the player has chosen.
Player can raise the stake by clicking on the right button (+) or reduce by clicking the left button (-).
Note: The list of the available stakes might change.
Treasure Hunter Game User Interface
Figure 15: Treasure hunter game user interface
Parts of the Game:
a. Game Menu – this button displays the game information and the volume adjustment.
Figure 16 Inside the Information button of the game menu
b. Home Button – this button is used to close the current game and go back to the Games’ lobby.
c. Treasure Hunter doors – the place where the player choose which door will lead to the treasure
d. Map – the guide where player can check on which level and pre-round he is currently located
Figure 15: Treasure hunter game user interface
e. Payout information – displays the payout amount of the current pre-round
f. Pot amount information – displays the current collectable amount
g. Total Bet and Total win information – the place where total bet and total win is displayed
h. Gaming Button Controls – consists of the controls used in the game. Play is activated upon opening the game. Collect will replace Play after a door selection, it will be activated once the player has correctly guessed the right door. New Game is activated when the player collects the pot amount, or when the player opens the trap door.

Figure 18 Treasure Hunter gaming button controls
- Play – clicking “Play” will start the pre-round with the bets the player has placed. The player can now select doors that will lead them to the treasure.
- Collect – clicking “Collect” will collect the pot amount of the current pre-round
i. Stake Selection – clicking + will raise the stake amount and clicking – will decrease the stake amount
j. Balance Information – displays the available balance of the player
Treasure Hunter Betting Options and Payout
These are the following multiplier payout amount of the Treasure Hunter: